FL Letter Carrier lands gyrocopter on White House lawn – Wait . . What ? ?

Some things you just can’t make up !

Doug Hughes (61), a FL Letter carrier, planned over 2 years ago to fly a gyrocopter to the White House to draw attention to the need for campaign finance reform.   I understand when you’re fed up and want to take drastic measures to prove a point, but did he check his calendar to make sure the date was good, or at least The Weather Channel to ensure good conditions for an “exposed” aircraft ? ?

Letter Carrier gone "Postal"

Letter Carrier gone “Postal”

I have questions:

1. Was there a “backup plan” just in case this one didn’t work out?

2. What would happen to all those letters if something happened during or after the land (like an arrest) ?

3. Did the US Postal service approve the use of its logo?

4. What does his wife think?

He stated during an interview with the Tampa Bay Times:

“I’m demanding reform and declaring a voter’s rebellion in a manner consistent with Jefferson’s description of rights in the Declaration of Independence,” he wrote in his letters. “As a member of Congress, you have three options. 1. You may pretend corruption does not exist. 2. You may pretend to oppose corruption while you sabotage reform. 3. You may actively participate in real reform.”

Some how I don’t think this was what Thomas Jefferson meant, Sir !


I’m sure many of you remember the California Raisins singing and dancing into our living rooms back in 1980s.  It was clever marketing, indeed !

Some drug companies, I’ve noticed are beginning to use animated characters (see link):


I’m beginning to see more companies using some type of animation or graphics to promote their brand:

Is this a new trend?  Has the rising cost of producing commercials using actors driven companies to consider animated or graphic images to promote their products?  If a company is concerned about cutting costs, will that at some point affect the quality of the product long term?



Month In Pics – March

This was one of the worst Winters in this part of the country in many years, at least according to the “natives”. The bitter cold and constant snow was met with much resistance from this Southern Girl. I am not saying I’ve adjusted to it but it is what it is !